Individualized Coaching
to Build Secure, Long-Lasting Relationships

Break Down the Process…

  • We start before we even meet with a series of questionnaires and assessments. This is an opportunity for you to reflect upon and tell your own life story in a few different ways. This also allows me to walk into our time together with an outline of what we can prioritize and target.

  • For the first half of the Intensive, we will identify major life events, influencial relationships, and your attachment style. We will name specific insecure relational patterns that may still be present along with old beliefs about life, relationships and yourself that are no longer serving you.

  • The second half of the intensive will be focused on identifying how patterns are playing out in your life, current barriers to change and action steps for making an internal shift and helping it manifest outwardly.

  • The insights and action steps you leave with are tools that you can implement immediately. They are also intended to support in therapeutic work that you may already be doing outside of our work together. After meeting, if you still have questions we can schedule a follow-up and target any barriers that are coming up as well as creating additional action steps.